embrace your healing wisdom
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
Guildford Alexander Studio
The focus at the Guildford Alexander Studio is the alignment of the mind, body and spirit and the belief that all 3 work together in sync. If one is out of balance, all are out of balance. I take a holistic view of your overall health and educate you on how to release your inner tensions to alleviate pain, stress and help with emotional freedom. I do this by using the Alexander Technique, BodyTalk and Biofield Tuning.
Take a look at my offerings below and if you have any questions please do get in touch.

Hello, I'm Linda
Welcome to the school of unlearning!
I’ve been teaching the Alexander Technique since 2000 having discovered it when working as a dance teacher. It gave me a remarkable skill for life, not to mention improved ease in dance. It was the best education I had received to date. This led me along more unexpected paths and I qualified as a BodyTalk practitioner and then as a Biofield Tuning practitioner continuing the exploration of consciousness.
“ The day science begins to study non physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”
Nikola Tesla
Special Offer
Book 4 Alexander lessons and receive a free BodyTalk session or half price Biofield Tuning session.

Why not withdraw from the chaos and rush of the world and nurture yourself.
Bed and Breakfast is available here close to the beautiful Surrey Hills designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty.
Book a stay and enjoy daily Alexander sessions plus one of either BodyTalk or Biofield Tuning.
'Linda is quietly passionate about what she does, and is gifted and generous in what she offers and how she offers it... It was a real lifeline for me, it helped to ground me in challenging times of uncertainty.'
'Personally for me the rewards have been great. I have managed to break the cycle of chronic (arthritic) pain and have learned how to cope better with anxiety and panic attacks.'
'After the sessions I usually feel very relaxed, calm, peaceful and balanced and in the days following there may be further emotional releases that all contribute to me feeling like a huge weight has been lifted.'